Sunday, November 9, 2014

Side Effects

Everything has side effects.  I began to think about this last night at dinner as my wife and I were having dinner with friends at the beach.  I was observing the décor in the restaurant (the original Sambo’s – operating since 1957) when I spied a television in the background and it was playing a commercial for one of those drugs that has one good purpose and 10 potentially harmful, if not deadly, side effects.

It doesn’t matter which drug it was, because ALL of them come with disclaimers, even aspirin.  So I formulated a thought in my head and went instantly to Facebook to post it.  The gist of it was that we are told we have to have vaccines, but they don’t openly post the negative effects they have on the body.  I received a few comments in support of my statement, but the one negative (at least that is how I perceived it) was from my daughter who swiftly came to the rescue of all the good vaccines have done.

Now I do not discount the wonderful benefits of eradicating polio, small pox, etc., all I was trying to say is that for every good something in science has done, there has been a Pandora’s Box associated with it.

I cannot make a correlation between current medical conditions and vaccines, but what I can do is look at the health issues today and see that there is one specific, well documented change in our lifestyles that is evident.  Our diets.  The other thing that is not as forthcoming is vaccines.

Today in our society we have more chronic disease, more dysfunctional immune systems, more cancers, and more physical and mental disabilities than ever before recorded.

Okay, I can blame it all on diet and GMO’s and pesticides (or whatever the maladie du jour is), but there is this great unknown.  The Vaccination!

It’s like this new cancer vaccination that they are recommending for women, young women.  The cancer kills one in about 10,000 but the vaccine kills one in 400 (note that Snopes has said it is false and that there is no causal link between the women who received the vaccine and their deaths).  But that kind of lends itself to my whole point.

We Don’t Know!  We will Never Know.  We will only have our own opinions.

You may not have realized it, but I got way off track here!  I was talking about Side Effects…this one was about the side effect of getting Side-Tracked!

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