Monday, November 3, 2014

Election Day!

Tomorrow is election day across the country and there are important things happening in every state.  Issues on Abortion, Marijuana, Gay Rights, GMO Food Labeling, Oil Production, Fracking and more. 
According to 13 states have ballots on Marijuana (either this year or in 2016), 11 on issues of Abortion, 9 on Marriage and Family, 20 on Elections and Campaigns, and 40 states are looking to change one or more of their tax laws.
There is also the hope of Republicans that they can either take control of the Senate or at least lock it up for the next two years by creating a 50/50 split.
This is, however, a mid-term election and there is not expected to be a wide turnout.  According to the Pew Research Center all indications are pointing toward extremely low levels across the board for state and Federal issues.
So the question that I ask my self is WHY?  Why the snubbing by the majority of eligible voters?  Okay, I get it.  Call it a lack of faith in the process to produce positive results.  Or the idea that nothing we say or do really makes a difference in Washington, D.C., or even call it a torpid response to the inaction of our electorate.  No matter what you call it, it is exactly what certain entities want to happen.  The reason that big business and big money has crept into the political process is due to our complacency.  The belief that nothing we do will affect change or put enough pressure on any one individual to stand up for their constituents is how the system became messed up in the first place.  As long as you can freely watch episodic TV, go to your favorite concert or sporting event, have a reasonable amount of money to pay your bills…then life goes on.
It is not yet to the point on anarchy, but if we don’t do something to become involved, someone else will.  And then it will not be change by choice, but change by necessity.
Believe me…there is so much more out there that I would rather be preaching!  Love for one another.  Tolerance for different views.  Alternatives to the health crisis created by Big Pharma.  But it is one step at a time.  You’ve heard it enough… there is no reason to beat you over the head with it.  But I insist…

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