Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stupid is as...Wait...it was right there.

I get frustrated at stupidity.  Even at my own sometimes.

The worst part of stupidity, is that people that are afflicted with it never realize that they have it.  And there is no convincing them of it no matter how you try.  And right now it looks as though it has permeated our society in epidemic proportions.

I wish I knew how to test for it.  I would first administer it to myself.  Just to make sure.  Like I said, those that have it don’t know that they have it.  So I just might have the disease.  I look back at things I have done in the past and think:  “I must have been stupid!”  I look at things I am doing now and think:  “This is not reassuring at all!”  My only hope is that my recognition of it is a sign that I don’t have it.

I will occasionally take the chance and ask my friends if they think I am stupid.  To no surprise I get a mixed bag of answers.  But I don’t worry about it too much, because for all I know they might be stupid too.

So I am sitting here contemplating the existence of stupidity with no hard fast evidence of what constitutes stupidity.  Sounds kind of stupid…doesn’t it?  That is because, as my wife tells me, stupidity is subjective.  Boy isn’t that the truth!  We subject ourselves and others to it all the time.

Stupidity is like any other personal affliction.  You have to heal your own before you venture out to heal others.  Sort of like the airline instructions that tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first!  If you don’t have a good flow of oxygen you are just no help to anyone else.

There is the IQ test!  But that doesn’t really give us much hope of finding the idiots of this world.  Because if you score really high on it…you still seem stupid to the rest of us.  And even though you are supposed to be smart…you usually have an area where you are inept!  Like social interaction.  And scoring really low on an IQ test is not definitive, because you are probably socially gifted and thereby successfully faking it enough to make a good living at say…A Radio Host.

I give up.  This is stupid!  At least I think it is, but since I have no way of vetting it, I really don’t know.  Perhaps, if I am lucky, I will awake in the morning to find someone has discovered a vaccine for stupidity.  

Damn…I don’t do vaccines either.  Oh well, I guess I will be content right here!

Hey you!  Yeah, you.  Keep it to yourself!

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