Thursday, March 5, 2015

Something shiny!

What to write?

I admit that there are days that go by that I actually don’t even turn on the computer and attempt it, but it’s the days that I do…and I sit down in front of the screen and start a dozen different ideas and none of them seem to pan out.

This is one of those days.

I think about the topic of weight loss - which I am considering doing at some point.  Or moving on from a job that is not fulfilling my needs – which I am considering doing…at some point.  Or about how the apartment complex we chose to move into cannot fix a simple leak in the apartment upstairs that drips in our wall creating a hazard of mold for us downstairs.  I could write about this whole move across the country and how it is coming up on a year and I am still not feeling settled.  All great topics.

But I think what I will focus on today is global warming.  No wait…the economy.  Nah, rising gas prices!  No that’s not it either.  Coffee?

I love coffee.  Dark, rich roasts that have just a hint of bitterness.  The way is smells in the morning as it begins to wake you up…no not about coffee… it’s a subject with limited.

I guess what it comes down to is that the process of writing really is about just sitting down and writing.  Whatever it is you are passionate about (or whatever it is for which you are passionate).  Exercising the brain is just like exercising your body.  The more you do it the sharper and more focused the brain becomes.  Consequently, the less you do it, the more you sit on the couch, watch television, and lament the fact that you are not doing anything productive.  So in a sense, even though this has no particular topic to it, I am working out my brain and building new synaptic pathways in order to increase my ability to sound intelligent.

So while I look at shiny things around the room…

Oh, did I tell you that my job just hasn’t been able to find the hours to keep me busy so I turned in my notice and suddenly they are trying to put something together to keep me there.  Even the Executive Vice President of Programming reached out to me in a weird way (or should I say with strange timing).  He found me on Linkedin and sent me a request to connect.  Now that might mean nothing, but it certainly made my wife question it, or rather question my resolve to move on.  But hey, I have plans.  Goals to achieve.  An exciting life ahead of me.  It’s time to explore some more!

(sniff, sniff)  I smell coffee!

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