Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Dusty Drawers

It comes and goes in spurts. Some days I feel as though I could write forever with plenty to say. Other days there is nothing but dust in the drawers! Dusty day today! I woke up at 2:30 this morning and instead of rolling over and burying my head in the pillow I succumbed to the little green flashing light. Yes, I picked up my phone and took a look at what was "the Most Important thing in my life!" As it turned out there wasn't anything too exciting going on other that my circadian rhythm was now fricked up. The one message that appeared on the screen was over 4 hours old and could have been another 3 or 4 hours older and not made one bit of difference. Of course I did not know this, but I should have. There are only 2 types of messages that hold extreme importance to me...My biological family and my adopted family. If you are not in either of those groups then I am sorry but your text can wait.  Barring any life threatening emergency I knew that it was not likely to be family, otherwise the phone would have actually rung.  On the adopted side of things there are only a handful of people that I would respond to at that hour.  LH, LHB, DS, RH, DJL.  And maybe one or two more that I cannot recall at this very tired moment.  But I usually know when texts from the adopted family are coming.  Call it a sense, wisdom, witching, a connection, whatever word you choose to ascribe to it.

So why not just sleep?  I have no idea.  Maybe it's just stuff on my mind that is imbedded deeper than my conscious will allow me to access.  I have tried meditating.  Occasionally focused breathing will work, but in the long run it comes down to unconsciously grabbing my cell phone and watching whatever videos pop up on my facebook screen.  Thankfully there is nothing hardcore there to further destroy my slumber!  I mean who needs "that" at 2:30?  On the other hand (pardon the inexcusable pun) were "I" someone's blinking green light and some tactile interaction were proposed...Sleep be damned!

I look forward to that early morning wake up call!

Dusty is right.

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