Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Be Different!

Do you ever get tired?  Tired of not thinking like the pack?  Tired of not following the path that everyone else seems to be following?  I know some people that constantly get criticized for not following the norm, for not buying into the status-quo and following the story that big business or big government is telling.   When I see these modern day rebels I am in awe.  Awe of their ability to stand for something when the rest of the world calls them crazy.

I am a silent rebel, which in reality means that I am not a rebel at all.  I mean I make my comments here and there, but in general I just “like” something when I agree with it rather than being the one that starts the conversation.  I even secretly want to be that person.  In fact a few people that know me would say that I am, but they know that I am not about to step into the fray.  It almost seems that conflict and controversy are a necessity in social media.  There is no idea that your opinions will be widely accepted, in fact you will likely be chastised by large groups of people with blinders on.  –You know who you are.

The idea that someone doesn’t believe in vaccines, or God, or YOUR God, or past lives, or life on other planets, or eats meat, or doesn’t eat meat, or has gluten allergies, or whatever the controversy or conspiracy of the day is…is just sad.

It goes back to my post on belief versus truth.  We are not truly free to believe what we want as long as someone else has a belief that they hold as truth even in the light that there is no real evidence to support it.

If we never think or do things outside the box we will never grow.  Individually or as a whole.  If every out of the box thinker said ‘screw it!’ then we would likely still be sitting in a cave somewhere.

Stay true to yourself.  Follow your own heart where it leads you and always be open to ideas that are strange to you.  One day…one of those strange ideas may turn out to be TRUTH, and it’s always cool to be able to say that you knew all along!

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