Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Not Happy Holidays...this year!

The Christmas Spirit.

I have it.  For the first time in many years I think I have achieved nervana in the Christmas sense.   I helped, even encouraged, the pulling out of the boxes in storage to set up the decorations.  I have watched my fair share of Christmas movies, and also threw out my share of Merry Christmas to random people that I would normally “humbug” silently.

But the Piece De Resistance (make sure to pronounce the french version) was when I agreed to sit down and participate in creating handmade gifts.  It was the stuff of Holiday Stories.

I did not, however, participate in the commercialization of Christmas.  The spirit I am feeling is of the joyous kind.  It has not been a particularly booming year financially and there has been a fair share of turmoil in moving across the country with no sense of how the landing would feel and yet I am surprisingly upbeat about it all.  I don’t know whether to attribute it to age or just a lack of fighting the wave of debt filled spending that often results in buyer remorse when the first credit card statement appears in the mail in January.

I don’t know if I can call it love in the traditional sense, but there is this overwhelming rise in emotion when I look at family, friends, and even those I don’t know and have never met.  I almost don’t know how to react.  It’s not virgin territory, but certainly not something I am as familiar with as say…Breathing.

I don’t know how long it will last.  I am hoping that it is not just a holiday thing, but a true rekindling of that soulful connection to the universe that I haven’t been nurturing in some time.  My guess is that it will stay around as long as I allow it to; as long as I feed it; as long as I don’t allow the world to try to crush it out of me.

But for the time being…whatever may come…Merry Christmas!  Happy Chanukah!  Joyous Kwanzaa!

Oh…And Festivus for the Restivus! 

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