Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hack this!

: the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do.

North Korea hacks into the internet to attempt to disrupt Sony Pictures and the release of “The Interview.”

Did NO ONE at Sony see this coming?  This movie is talking about the killing of a leader of a Sovereign nation.  Forget about whether or not we agree with their politics.  It DOESN’T MATTER whether or not we agree.

Of course the argument is that this is fiction and a comical take on what one government might do to exact a revenge on an enemy state that is not a democracy or a friend to the U.S.   But come on!

In films, that are intended to be a farcical, screenwriters rarely use an actual living person to be the antagonist.  If they do some director or producer changes it by the time it becomes a finished film.

If I were Kim Jung Un I would easily be as livid.  But what I would be livid at is the Hypocrisy.  Hell, Natalie Maines (Dixie Chicks) couldn’t even make a negative comment about Bush without completely destroying her career.  If you were to even hint about doing danger to our President you would be locked up for life and never heard from again.  But I guess the writers and producers of the film thought it would be okay to do it to the North Koreans.

I haven’t seen the film, obviously, (though it was on my hot list for Christmas), So I don’t know if they actually go through with it (the assassination) in the movie, but my sense is that they don’t get to finish the job.  So perhaps Kim Jung Un was a little hasty in his condemnation.

Trust me, I get the whole argument about Human Rights violations and dictatorships.  Nuclear weapons and threatening their neighbors to the south, but we have got to find a better way to be self-righteous.  It just doesn’t work for me to say one thing while practicing another.
Would I go interview Kim Jung Un?  Hell yeah!  Would I kill him for my government?  Hell No! 

We could really use Dennis Rodman to step it up and help out on this one!

Okay, maybe not.  But I hope that someone, with better sense, comes up with an answer for this one.

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