Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Intern (of Beer that is)

“Get your beer!  Get your ice cold beer!  Rich, dark, and malty or citrusy and hoppy!  Ice cold beer!”

So, just as a part of a random circumstance I came upon a sight that offered the opportunity for a summer internship traveling and tasting beer.  I started drool just thinking about it.  But this is better than any internship I have ever heard of, they are actually going to pay 3 people to do that!  Well, I just had to sign up for that.  Traveling, drinking beer, writing or blogging about it on a daily basis?  It’s a no-brainer to me.  Now I don’t know how sophisticated a writer for which they are looking, but I can tell you what I like, why I like it and why you should, or should not drink it! 

Imagine having the opportunity to go to Chico, California; Asheville, North Carolina, Portland, Oregon and all around the U.S. traveling to festivals, tasting great beers and eating great food!  And getting paid to do it!  Sign me up World of Beer! I will do you proud!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Conservative Liberalism!

Is there a word for me?

When it comes to political animals, there is no cut and dry way to define some people.  Like myself.  I have a lot of conservative views when it comes to finances, and a lot of more liberal views when it comes to social concerns.  I don’t consider myself too far right on any one issue or too far left on those that I tend to gravitate towards.

I am not against a woman choosing to make her own decisions about her body, but I am not for abortions that are used in place of common sense methods to prevent pregnancy.

I think rational, responsible people should be able to own a gun for protection and for hunting, but the need for stashes of weapons that can fire 30 round bursts in seconds is uncalled for and irresponsible.  

If you are one person, and fear the government, and feel as though you need a thousand rounds to protect you against tyranny, then you are not thinking sanely.  Trust me, you may fire off a lot of rounds, but in the end you will be just as dead.  You will never have the firepower of the “authorities.”

I believe in taking care of those who need help to get back on their feet.  Supporting single mothers who find themselves in a situation where working costs more than not due to the costs of child care, food, housing, and other necessities.  But I don’t think it should be a long-term system for which people can take advantage. Or a way to have multiple births and live off the system.

I believe that all human beings, regardless of sexual orientation, color of their skin, political affiliation, or belief in their God should have equal rights under the law. 

But in the realm of sexual orientation, it’s none of my business what you choose to do or how you chose to live your life, so don’t flaunt it in my face (this does not mean 'dont fight for your rights).  Just be a good person with a loving heart and we will get along just fine and together we can laugh, cry, have drinks, sing songs, tell jokes, and be friends.

In the realm of religion, if you are not open to my beliefs and my opinions about God, don’t try to convince me of the correctness of your religion.  I will respect your beliefs…please respect mine…no matter how crazy they may seem!

Color of your skin?  PLEASE!  None of us are White and none of us are Black.  We are all different shades of Brown. (refer to the ‘good person with a loving heart’ comment earlier.  Same thing applies)  But I do agree that much work needs to be done to combat racial inequality.

Political affiliation?  You can be crazy Right or crazy Left, just respect the process!  Join the debate!  And be willing to listen to people that don’t believe the same as you.  You just might learn something.

I stand on NO soapbox.  I keep the majority of my opinions quietly to myself.  Ask my wife, I think not even she is totally sure which direction I am aiming at times.

As one great “Wyld Stallion” follower once said.  “Be Excellent to one another, and Party On, Dude!”

It’s all about the Love and respect!