Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A load of Crap!

Would you ever go up to Deepak Chopra after he finished speaking and ask “so who taught you that?”

Maybe not.  But how many times can you remember having an “AHA” moment, said something profound to another person or group and they say: “where did you hear that?” And because it originated in your mind, you have no chapter and verse that you can reference.  But perhaps you attribute to something or someone anyway because an insecurity says that it is easier to believe if someone of “importance” said it first.

I see it all the time on the internet and especially on Facebook.  You will see a meme that has a picture of Einstein, or Lincoln, or Ghandi, and it has a quotation that you have never before heard attributed to any of those people, and yet you believe it.  When in reality, someone had a great thought and figured it would be better received, and believed, if a famous person said it.

The fact is (I write tongue in cheek) is that nothing has value unless someone of importance is spouting it.  The Truth, however, is not the case.  There are wise people living quiet existences all over the world, and if it were only possible for them to be famous, even for just the moment when they say what it is that would inspire us, we would all be the better.

If it’s true, or rings true to your soul, does it really matter who says it?  If you have an enemy, and they say something life changing do you just throw your hand up, shout pffft, and ignore them?

I encourage you to listen. Please listen!  Listen with an open mind and an open heart.  And it doesn’t matter who is talking.  Old people, parents, single people, married people, teenagers, children.  Listen.

If you lay a seed in the sun it will not grow.  The sun alone will kill it.  If you soak it in water, in the dark, it may sprout, but it will never bear fruit.  If you stick it in sterile ground it will also come to naught.

Life, as well as plants, need many external influences to make it grow.  And even when you think that someone else is just spewing a load of crap…remember…fertilizer is a load of crap!

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