Thursday, February 8, 2024

 Some things to think about:

Have you ever entertained the thought that being pro-choice is not automatically being pro-abortion?  The thought that someone has the right to choose for themselves when it comes to their own body, their own health, their own well-being should be about personal responsibility.  I could not see myself standing in someone elses shoes and telling them "this is what you should do."  Is there a possibility that someone would do something morally wrong or even morally reprehensible?  Absolutely, but that is the case in so many acts of life.  I have actually witnessed someone ranting about women who get abortions and then turn around and get in a car after having one too many drinks.

I understand those that have a personal belief based on their religion.  But even in that I have noticed that people tend to pick and choose what parts of their religion to support, while dismissing other important tenets. 

I still think the best way forward is to be introspective and fix the things in our own lives and live  fully according to our belief system.  If that were done, I believe you would see a much kinder world.

I made the observation that being pro-gun does not mean you are pro-murder, however murders do occur sometimes from a gun. There are so many comparisons that can be made to things inherently good that have the potential for bad outcomes, and again it should come down to personal responsibility.